Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing

A software application must demonstrate compatibility with a wide variety of environments as a proof of its versatility. Checking its compatibility in a client –specified environment is critical to ensure the successful fulfillment of SLAs and customer satisfaction.

Compatibility testing is non-functional testing carried out to determine the compatibility of an application in its operating environment. Through this test, the tester can evaluate how well the software performs in different environments including operating systems, networks, hardware, platforms, devices and other applications.

Carrying out compatibility testing also requires considerable knowledge about networks, applications and browsers as well as familiarity with various tools.


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Key Aspects of Compatibility Testing



Browser Compatibility Testing

– Verify that your web application functions correctly and consistently across popular browsers, ensuring a uniform experience for all users.


Device Compatibility Testing

– Assess the performance of your software on different devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and Smartphone’s to cater to a wide user base.


Operating System Compatibility Testing

– Validate that your application operates seamlessly on various operating systems, including Windows OS, Mac OS, Linux, and mobile OS.


Database Compatibility Testing

– Ensure that your software interacts correctly with different database systems, preventing data-related issues across diverse environments.


Network Compatibility Testing

– Evaluate the performance and functionality of your application under varying network conditions, ensuring stability and responsiveness.


Benefits of Compatibility Testing with GlobalSourceUS:

Compatibility testing is a crucial phase in the software development life cycle that ensures applications function seamlessly across diverse platforms, browsers, and devices. GlobalSourceUS, a leader in software testing services, offers comprehensive compatibility testing solutions to enhance the quality and user experience of your software products.


Cross-Browser Compatibility:

GlobalSourceUS conducts thorough compatibility testing to validate that your software performs consistently across various web browsers, ensuring a seamless user experience for all users.

Multi-Device Testing:

Our compatibility testing services extend to different devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This guarantees that your application is accessible and performs optimally on a wide range of devices.

Operating System Validation:

Compatibility testing verifies that your software is compatible with different operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, addressing potential issues and improving software reliability.

Browser Version Testing:

We meticulously test your application across different browser versions to identify and rectify issues related to compatibility. This ensures that users with various browser versions have a consistent experience.


Responsive Design Validation:

GlobalSourceUS ensures that your software’s responsive design functions as intended. Compatibility testing includes validating that your application adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions.


Preventing Functional Issues:

By identifying and addressing compatibility issues early in the development process, we help prevent functional problems that could negatively impact user experience and lead to customer dissatisfaction.


Enhanced User Satisfaction:

Our compatibility testing services contribute to enhanced user satisfaction by delivering software that performs reliably on their preferred browsers, devices, and operating systems.


Reduced Abandonment Rates:

Ensuring compatibility reduces the likelihood of users encountering technical issues, thereby minimizing abandonment rates. Users are more likely to engage with a software product that consistently meets their expectations.


Optimized Performance:

Compatibility testing with GlobalSourceUS aims to optimize the performance of your software across diverse environments. This includes assessing factors such as page loading times, responsiveness, and overall user interaction.


Future-Proofing Your Software:

As technology evolves, so do browsers, devices, and operating systems. GlobalSourceUS conducts compatibility testing with an eye on the future, ensuring that your software remains robust and adaptable to upcoming changes.

GlobalSourceUS, with its expertise in compatibility testing, helps clients deliver software that not only meets industry standards but also exceeds user expectations. By focusing on cross-browser compatibility, multi-device testing, and responsive design validation, we contribute to the success of your software in an increasingly diverse digital landscape.



Compatibility Testing Life Cycle With GlobalSourceUS

Compatibility testing is a critical phase in the software development life cycle, and at GlobalSourceUS, we prioritize a comprehensive approach to guarantee that your software performs seamlessly across diverse platforms. Our compatibility testing life cycle is meticulously designed to identify and address any issues related to website compatibility, browser compatibility, and software compatibility.


Understanding Compatibility Testing:

Compatibility testing assesses how well a software application functions across various environments, ensuring that it delivers a consistent and optimal user experience. In the context of web applications, this involves testing for website compatibility and browser compatibility to guarantee smooth operation across different browsers, devices, and operating systems.

Key Stages in the Compatibility Testing Life Cycle:

Requirement Analysis:

Our process begins with a thorough analysis of compatibility requirements. We identify the target browsers, devices, and operating systems based on your user demographics and preferences.

Test Planning:

A detailed test plan is crafted, outlining the scope, objectives, resources, and schedule for compatibility testing. This plan serves as a roadmap for the entire testing process.

Environment Setup:

We create a testing environment that mirrors the diversity of your end-users’ setups. This includes configuring different browsers, devices, and operating systems to replicate real-world scenarios.


Test Case Design:

Our experienced testing team designs test cases covering various combinations of browsers, devices, and operating systems. This ensures comprehensive coverage and helps identify any compatibility issues that may arise.



Test cases are executed systematically across different environments. This stage involves checking website compatibility and browser compatibility to identify any rendering issues, functionality discrepancies, or performance variations.


Issue Identification and Reporting:

Any compatibility issues discovered during testing are documented and reported. This includes issues related to layout, functionality, responsiveness, and other aspects crucial for a seamless user experience.


Issue Resolution:

Our team collaborates with developers to address and resolve identified compatibility issues. This may involve adjusting code, implementing responsive design elements, or optimizing the application for specific browsers and devices.


Regression Testing:

After resolving compatibility issues, we conduct regression testing to ensure that the changes do not negatively impact other functionalities. This iterative process continues until the software achieves optimal compatibility.


Validation Testing:

The final stage involves thorough validation testing to confirm that all identified compatibility issues have been successfully addressed. The software is tested across multiple configurations to validate its compatibility across the intended spectrum.

Benefits of Choosing GlobalSourceUS for Compatibility Testing:


Expertise in Website Compatibility Testing:

Our team specializes in website compatibility testing, ensuring that your web applications perform consistently across different browsers and devices.

Comprehensive Browser Compatibility Testing:

We conduct in-depth browser compatibility testing to identify and resolve issues related to specific browsers, ensuring a seamless user experience for all users.

Diverse Environment Simulation:

Our testing environment is configured to simulate diverse user setups, allowing us to catch potential issues across various operating systems and devices.

Proactive Issue Resolution:

We take a proactive approach to issue resolution, working closely with developers to address compatibility issues promptly and efficiently.


Continuous Improvement:

Our compatibility testing life cycle emphasizes continuous improvement. Feedback from testing informs future development cycles, contributing to the long-term reliability of your software.


In conclusion, GlobalSourceUS is your trusted partner for navigating the complexity of compatibility testing. Our systematic compatibility testing life cycle ensures that your software delivers a consistent, reliable, and user-friendly experience across a diverse range of platforms, browsers, and devices. Choose GlobalSourceUS for comprehensive compatibility testing services that elevate the performance of your software in today’s diverse digital landscape.

Test Requirements

Our testing team will determine the requirements for testing, following consultation with our client developers. They will determine the scope of the testing and the test objectives. They would identify the compatibility issues to be checked.

Test Plan

A test plan is created by the team.

Allocation of Resources

We will then allocate the resources required for the testing based on the volume and criticality of the time.


The testing team will then execute the test across a number of different platforms, devices, and browsers as per the client specifications.

Monitoring and update

The entire process will be monitored and the client would be informed of the progress in the form of reports.


Performance metrics would be used to evaluate the efficiency of the testing process and determine if any changes would need to be done.

Identification, Tracking and Removal of Bugs

Bugs will be tracked and suitable corrections done to ensure bug-free application.

Testing Completion